A Faux Sparkler Exit | What It Is + When To Consider It


A faux sparkler exit is something that has been gaining traction in the last few years and for good reasons. A faux sparkler exit is exactly what it sounds like, a fake sparkler exit!  

Sparkler exits have always been a crowd favorite when it comes to the wedding couple making a grand exit out of their reception. Sparkler exits involve a lot of guests holding sparklers and forming a tunnel, while the newlyweds carefully frolic through the sparklers, kiss, and be on their merry little way to newlywed bliss, leaving the reception and the guests behind.

Over the years, Iโ€™ve seen a lot of difficulty with sparkler exits.
Here are a few cons: 

  1. They usually happen at the end of the night - requiring the need for extended photography coverage.

  2. Sparkler exits usually include a lot of the guests at weddings, and sometimes by the time the sparkler exit happens, those guests are very intoxicated. Sparklers and overly intoxicated humans donโ€™t mix well. 

  3. Gathering a large group of people who are already on the dance floor and hit the open bar hours ago can be tough, so sometimes there is low participation. 

As you can see, there a lot of hurdles to consider when considering a sparkler exit. If these points are a concern, consider a faux sparkler exit! 

Faux Sparkler Exit Explained

A faux sparkler exit is a sparkler exit that happens earlier in the night during your reception. It is set up exactly the same as a regular sparkler exit - you hand out sparklers, give your guests direction on where to line up and when to light them, light the sparklers, run through your tunnel, and head on back to your party! 

Pros of a Faux Sparkler Exit: 

  1. Sometimes you get better lighting, resulting in better quality photographs 

  2. You catch everyone early in the night, helping your guests participate before the booze hits, and also improving your participation rate. A MUCH safer route than running through 120 people intoxicated holding sparklers. 

  3. It really hypes everyone up to go back to the party! 

  4. It saves you money and time when booking a photography package. If youโ€™re able to do your faux sparkler exit at 7pm instead of 9pm, that saves you a lottttt of $$ on your photo coverage. 

No matter what type of sparkler exit you attempt, here are some tips! 

-Invest in the appropriate sparklers- LONG-lasting sparklers! They are usually longer sticks and will likely say how long they burn when you purchase them! Short sparklers tend to burn out at different times and donโ€™t stay lit long enough for everyone to get their sparklers lit and for the couple to run through 

-Do a light, fun jog through your sparklers (not a sprint LOL). Stop in the middle for a kiss! 

-If you have a lot of guests, consider doing your sparkler exit with just immediate family and wedding party! Having a group thatโ€™s not too big and not too small is ideal for explaining how to execute, and easier for the photographer! Itโ€™s much better to know weโ€™re running backwards into a group of 20 people with sparklers vs. 100! The photo op will still be a great one! 

We hope this helps you plan your perfect exit! Or faux exit!

Happy Planning <3


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